Nikhil Munshi
Nikhil C. Munshi, MD is the Kraft Family Chair and Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School and the Director of Basic and Correlative Science, at the
Jerome Lipper Myeloma Center at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. He is a senior physician at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Professor Munshi studied medicine at the S.S.G. Hospital and M.S. University, in Baroda, India, before completing fellowships in oncology at the Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, MD, USA, and the Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Dr. Munshi’s research focus spans both basic sciences to understand genomic changes in myeloma and elucidate molecular mechanisms driving the genomic instability in cancer, to translational approaches directed at improving diagnosis and prognosis as well as therapeutics. Dr Munshi’s clinical interests include CAR T-cell therapy in multiple myeloma and developing novel targeted therapeutics including novel antigen-directed and immune effector cell therapy/vaccine approaches.
He has over 500 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters. Dr Munshi has mentored over 70 junior faculty, post-doctoral fellows, medical residents. A number of them are now independent scientists, physicians, and professionals. He is the immediate former President of the International Myeloma Society. He has received number of Awards including the Dr. B.C. Roy National Award by the president of India in 2016, the prestigious “Waldenstrom’s Award” for Most Distinguished Lifetime Achievement in Myeloma Research in 2013, the COMy “Multiple Myeloma Excellence Award for Translational Research” in 2019 and Robert Kyle Award in 2021.
Lab Members
Rao Prabhala
Shuhui Deng
Research Fellow
Vanessa Favasuli
Research Fellow
Poonam Kalhotra
Research Fellow
Domenico Maisano
Research Fellow
Elena Maroto Martin
Research Fellow
Vaishnavi Bade
Research Technician
Claire Gao
Research Technician
Tallya Maciel
Research Technician
Daniel Meglino
Research Technician
Kenneth Wen
Lead Research Technician
Anais Schavgoulidze
Research Fellow
Anna Besschetnova
Research Fellow
Lifang Sun
Senior Research Technician
Srikanth Talluri
Research Fellow
Raphael Szalat
Research Fellow
Mariateresa Fulciniti
Lead Scientist
Masood Shammas
Lead Scientist
Anil Aktas Samur
Scientist II
Madhumouli Chatterjee
Scientist II
Jiangning Zhao
Visiting Scientist
Yao Yao
Visiting Scientist
Nathanael Fillmore
Visiting Scientist
Jialan Shi
Eugenio Morelli
Lead Scientist
Chandraditya Chakraborty
Research Fellow
Neelima Prabhala
Research Technician
Jessica Fong Ng
Research Technician
Na Liu
Research Technician
Hannah Seah
Research Technician
Christina Usher
Science Writer

Rao Prabhala

Shuhui Deng
Research Fellow

Vanessa Favasuli
Research Fellow

Poonam Kalhotra
Research Fellow

Domenico Maisano
Research Fellow

Elena Maroto Martin
Research Fellow

Vaishnavi Bade
Research Technician

Claire Gao
Research Technician

Tallya Maciel
Research Technician

Daniel Meglino
Research Technician

Kenneth Wen
Lead Research Technician

Anais Schavgoulidze
Research Fellow

Anna Besschetnova
Research Fellow

Lifang Sun
Senior Research Technician

Srikanth Talluri
Research Fellow

Raphael Szalat
Research Fellow

Mariateresa Fulciniti
Lead Scientist

Masood Shammas
Lead Scientist

Anil Aktas Samur
Scientist II

Madhumouli Chatterjee
Scientist II

Jiangning Zhao
Visiting Scientist

Yao Yao
Visiting Scientist

Nathanael Fillmore
Visiting Scientist

Jialan Shi

Eugenio Morelli
Lead Scientist

Chandraditya Chakraborty
Research Fellow

Neelima Prabhala
Research Technician

Jessica Fong Ng
Research Technician

Na Liu
Research Technician

Hannah Seah
Research Technician